Monday, October 09, 2006

Cinquante Anni

Ok. In the next 12 months I will learn:

To speak French, Read Hebrew, touchtype, lose 25 pounds, run for 60 minutes 3 times a week, double last years income and organize and apply my 130+- undergraduate credits to completing a BS degree. To be continued..

Sunday, October 08, 2006

This year I turned 50. Cinquante anni. Now what ?

Sunday, October 8th, 2006. It appears that I have been on a trajectory into chaos. I started my early adult years with a general idea of where I was going. I am still going, but I never anticipated the hundreds, if not thousands, of forks in the road. With each choice I veered left or right and my straight line pathway became a spiraling zig-zagging journey. My Myriad. I want to say, "how the fuck did I get here?", but I know how, I just can't believe it.